Cordillera Endurance Coaching

Performance coach for ambitious athletes & powerhouse professionals

Cordillera Endurance Coaching

Performance coach for ambitious athletes & powerhouse professionals

Cordillera Endurance Coaching

Personalized performance plans

Self-coached but unsure how to build your season? Maybe you’d like a focused few months without building towards a race or event (ski season prep, cycling strength/climbing focus, base training season, the sky is the limit!). Or frustrated with the usual “stock” plan options because they don’t fit you or your life? Let me help you! I build your plan around your life and focus area. Big travel and won’t have access to your bike for a week? No problem! Maybe you have some B or C races (or double A races) and aren’t sure how to structure your recovery and short build? No problem! Only swimming 1x week? We can make it work.

25$/week (minimum 12 weeks, up to 52 weeks or 1 year plan). Athletes receive a 30% discount for check in calls or pre-race calls to fine tune their plans or race prep. 

Get started today!

Please note- on the stripe payment page,  you can change the quantity (# of weeks) on the left side of the payment link. It is set to 12 weeks as the minimum. 

You will receive a follow-up email with instructions, discounted call links, and a link to complete a google form where you can communicate your desires for the training block, including training preferences, races on the schedule, travel and vacation or time away from a discipline, and more.  

Training blueprints are coming soon!

  • Ironman 
  • 70.3 
  • 50 mi ultra
  • Marathon
  • 1/2 marathon
  • Gravel Prep
  • Base Training
  • And More! 

Check back mid January!